If my calendar shows correctly these were actually taken in November, but seeing as how I am way behind in posting, I’ll give it a December date! The C family were so much fun to photograph. The weather was spectacular (oh how I love Colorado sunshine), and we were even treated to views of nearby horses and a passing train – much to the delight of their two sweet boys. All in all it made for a perfect morning shoot. Thank you C family for such an easy morning of capturing your love and laughter!
And a very happy holidays and new year to all of my clients from this past year. What a remarkable year it has been for my wee little business! I so appreciate each of you who invited me into your family for an hour or so. I was honored to be able to capture such beautiful families in such a beautiful part of this fine country we live in. I wish for you a very happy and prosperous 2010, and I look forward to many more sunny days and sunny smiles!