
Courting – A Vintage Love Story: Castle Rock Child Photographer

I’m a slightly theatrical person.  Scratch that, I’m completely 100% theatrical. I have a degree in it, dontcha’ know!  I’ve always, always loved the theatre – everything about it.  The costumes, the lights, the plot, the music, the backstage scurry.  I have the fondest memories of my own time spent on my college stage.  My resume holds rolls like Emily in Our Town, Laura in Glass Menagerie, and Shelby in Steel Magnolias.  I had visions of Broadway!  Never mind the story that took me from that dream to the dream I live now – living in a quaint small town with two amazing little boys, my sweetheart of a husband, and a career as a photographer that I adore.  I can still make the theatrics happen, just in a different medium.  

So I had a vision a few weeks ago – a vintage vision.  Because beyond the theatre I also love all things vintage.  I wanted to create a series of portraits that showed a combination of the “vintage” and the “theatre.”  I coerced a couple of little ones into helping me (my son Holden and my friend’s daughter Allie), and enlisted my friend Lisa with marshmallows and handy wipes.  We hit the trail for Sedalia and discovered the “look” we were going for.  The train tracks.  A vintage tow truck.  An open field.  We let the story tell itself…

(We did attract a few on-lookers during our adventures.  One fellow – a life-long Sedalia resident- actually stopped his truck on the train tracks and give directions to the kids.  Another gentleman gave us permission to use his yellow truck.  And several cars slowed down to watch as we frolicked in the nearby field.)

Courting – A Vintage Love Story

Castle Rock Child Photographer
August 14, 2011
Sedalia, Colorado
crib tales photography –  on location!
Vintage Love.
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Baby & Family Portrait Photographer | Castle Rock, Colorado


Amy Stephens | | 303-520-9188

Serving Castle rock, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Larkspur, Elizabeth, Lone Tree, littleton, monument, Denver, and Beyond.
