I have these beautiful friends, the very first friends that I made when I moved to Seattle 16 years ago, who are expecting their first baby in a few month’s time. I’ve known them since they very beginning of their relationship, and I’ve seen their love bloom and grow from the very beginning. Together they have traveled the world (literally) and seen more than my eyes will ever take in on this planet. After they married they took a year to travel the globe, and this was only one of their many, many travel journeys. They are explorers in the truest sense of the word. And now they are preparing to explore this new territory of parenthood. I realize they are going to get to experience something unlike anything they’ve experienced before. Something I’ve had the extreme honor of experiencing twice in my life now…parenthood. It will be their greatest journey yet. That first moment of life when that little person is blinking up at them, new and fresh and full of wonder.
As I have thought about them over the last few days, I’ve thought a lot about what being a parent has been like for me the past 9.5 years. It has been joy, laughter, tears, magic, sorrow, heartbreak, miracles, pride, and wonder. I forget so often to be in the moment with our boys. Especially now, my busy season of the year, when I barely have time to check homework much less check in with their hearts. I want to tell my old self (or perhaps my dear friends) to remember every moment, it goes so very fast. It’s cliche but so true…remember the first moment. Remember the moment after that. And the one after that. Look past the hard parts – they are momentary, and they pass quickly. Look at the things that really matter – the heartbeats, the eyelashes, the dimples, the curvy rolls of your new baby’s skin, the smell of baby hair, and the feel of a tiny little finger wrapping around yours in the dark of the night while you rock baby to sleep.
This is what my newborn portraiture is all about I have realized. It’s about defining this moment in a new family’s life. It’s about those very heartbeats, eyelashes, dimples, curvy rolls of baby skin, and wispy perfect baby hair (or a perfectly round bald baby head, as my own two babies had). I miss those moments with my own boys, so big and grown now at the ripe old ages of 7 & 9. I’m blessed that I get to witness this new-baby joy over and over and over again with my wonderful clients. It is my honor to be with a new family just days after their expansion.
To my dear friends on the verge of becoming parents…you have all of this and so much more to look forward to…don’t blink

Castle Rock Baby Photographer